

Salvation is always the ending of the minds fascinated identification with the dead and unchanging image of what it was. It is the complete reversal of the

"natural" order of things a METANOIA - the Greek word for repentance, meaning precisely a turning around of the mind, so that it no longer faces into the past, the land of the shadow of death, but into the Eternal Present.
So long as the mind is captivated by memory, and really feels itself to be that past image which is "I" it can do nothing to save itself; it's sacrifices are of no avail, and it's Law gives no life.

After years of therapy, I had a metamorphosis - I asked Jesus to have mercy on me & forgive me my sins. He delivered me from my inequities. Praise the Lord!!


Judith said...

I'm so glad you didn't give up on Jesus, or life. My son gave up. He killed himself in 2004, about this time of year, when all around, life was coming back.

You would have to experience it to understand what it does to the ones left behind.

I have a precious friend who was abandoned in Korea when she was four years old. It may have saved her life, because An American family adopted her and raised her, but it's still hard for her to not feel abandoned. Thank our Lord His Love can fix even that.
His Word tells us He's adopted us. So she and you can know you are wanted. I'm so glad that you didn't give up.

Micky said...

Greetings Judith
I felt some pain and sadness when I heard that your son, killed himself. I imagine the pain and grief would have been overwhelming. I can relate to abandonment pain, I had years and years of it. I would do anything not to feel my pain (act out). It was in 1994 when I started seeing a therapist (inner child work) that I started to access it ((viscerally) and feel it. My therapist used to help me by saying, “that it was just a sensation in my body and it was Ok to feel it.” I don't want to go through those years again. I attended an anger workshop for about 4 years (I had so much rage locked in my body). My therapist gave me permission to feel my feelings and to express them. The orphanage had really shut me down (emotionally) and it was only through God [Jesus Christ] that I got through it. At the end of the day HE (JESUS) was the one who delivered me - I just had to be available. Praise the Lord!! I will pray for you Judith!! Just remember, Jesus LOVES you and HE will never ABANDON you.


Anonymous said...


27 years ago yesterday, I was planning to end my life. Praise the Lord that He sent my friend to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with me. I was gloriously saved on 04/01/80. If not, I would be in hell, burning today.

There is NOTHING we can do to earn our salvation. Eph. 2:8-9 are quite clear on this. Yet, many churches including the one I was in 27 years ago, teach that it is by our works that we are saved or it is through a church that we are saved. They deceive many but praise God, we have the Bible which holds all Truth.

I am glad that you have found the Lord, Jesus Christ. May you find many more truths as you read the Word and be grown by His Holy Spirit for He is our true Teacher.

Micky said...

Maranatha, thank you for sharing your testimony. May God remember you in his KINGDOM!!


Julie said...

Micky, thankyou for sharing your experience on my blog. I believe the Holy Spirit directed you to do so... because we are meeting a friend today who is struggling with depression and is in a dark place. I believe your story will help him.
There is only One Name that can calm all our fears....Jesus!!

Micky said...

Greetings Julie
Thanks for responding to my post. May God remember you in his KINGDOM!!


Even So... said...


Micky said...

BLESSINGS to you, too - EVEN SO

Peace Be With You

CindyMae said...

Micky, first I must say that I just love your blog and will be adding it to my blogroll!!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and sharing with me. Our God is so awesome and He loves us so very much. It is a Blessing for me to hear your story. I am so thankful that you turned your life over to God at the time that you did. Awesome story, thank you so much for sharing and for visiting my blog. I hope that you visit again and I will visit you again for sure.

With Love in Christ,

Micky said...

Greetings Cindy

It is a BLESSING for me to read your warm and loving comments. May God remember you in his KINGDOM. God is AWESOME!! Praise the LORD!!


Demara said...

Praise the Lord -- for you live!!!

Praise the Lord -- for I live!!!

Praise the Lord -- for His life He gives us so freely!!!

What an awesome Father He has been to me!!!

Praise the Lord -- for being our Daddy!!!

Micky said...

Greetings Demara
Thank you, for your comments – PRAISE THE LORD!!
Celebrate life, Demara, Jesus has given you life [ETERNAL LIFE] through his death on the cross. I love Jesus so much; He certainly is an awesome Father [Daddy], Demara!! He will never abandon you. May God remember you in his KINGDOM!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!


He Is Able said...

Dear Micky,
It was nice to read your testimony that you posted on my website'e blog at:
It was really a blessing to read about someone who has been touched by the loving hand of the potter YAHSHUA. we all are sinners and when we donot find a way to get out of our habits and immoral life we sometimes just succumb to the pressure that satan tries to insert in our lives. But I love to say that again and again as the Scriptures declare; That HIS hand is not short to save us nor HE so far away that HE cannot hear our hearts cry. On Good Friday as I was speaking in the church about the last word of YAHSHUA from the cross and was pondering at the fourth cry : Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani! I was just amazed to the point that Abba Father went to forsake HIS Son that HE may recieve us, sinners. Soon, I will be posting a sermon on that on my blog and will let you know when I do so.
You can read my testimony on my website.
I am pasting the url:
Pastor Pritish Nandi

He Is Able said...

oops that was testimony.html

Dave said...

aa will bring to God a million times more people than you ever will than you ever will . spiritual pride kills a soul buddy

Micky said...

Greetings Flowerdave
I felt some pain reading your comments. I imagine you were RAGING over your fear, pain and shame. I imagine you are a TERRIFIED “Little Boy,” who has a conscious fear of intimacy and an unconscious fear of abandonment. The only way you will RECOVER is for you to go back to the CHAMBER OF HORRORS [Your Childhood] and RECOVER “Little David!!” Were you ABUSED as a child, David? SATAN is controlling you – Bill Wilson, who was a manic – depressive scam artist, who talked to dead people, has deluded millions of STEPPERS. Do you talk to dead people, David [AA MEETING]? How do you feel Davie? I will pray for you. I LOVE you David!!

Peace Be With You

Dave said...

im not raging at all, my master is Jesus Christ I just wonder who yours is. by your hatred i read in your blog I wonder whats going on. love is of God. hate is not


Micky said...

Flowerdave Says:

Friday, January 05, 2007

4. A relatinship with a God of my understanding

Greetings Flowerdave

Don’t Be Deceived

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8 NIV)

You have probably heard the illustration of the duck. It goes like this: "If it walks like a duck, and looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck." That is generally true. But it is not true in every circumstance. What Paul is telling us in our text today is that not all the quacks is a duck.

He is calling the church at Colosse to be aware of hollow and deceptive philosophy that is masquerading as true Christian teaching. Rather than focusing on Christ, this teaching depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world. This pseudo Christian teaching can captivate you and lead you astray, if you are not careful. He is issuing a warning. He is calling us to a high state of alert.

David, your brain has been altered with Buchmanism. You are an agent for SATAN!! The only hope for you is JOHN 3: 16. What I want you to do, is to get on your knees and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you your DIATRIBE [SINS}. I love you Davy and will continue to pray for you. How do you FEEL, "Little Terrified Dave?" Do you LOVE me, Dave? Does AA focus on Christ, Dave!!

Peace Be With You

Dave said...

of course I love you , you are my brother, and i do fall to my knees every night , im sorry we disagree on thealogical things but that is humananity, wars have been fought over this very thing and want no part of it
peace be with you

Micky said...

Greetings Flowerdave
You have passed the test. You didn't ignore me - you kept responding to my posts. You have COURAGE and are truly filled with the SPIRIT!! You have obviously faced your DEMONS and have that rare quality - LOVE!! That's what it's all about, John 3: 16 - LOVE. I LOVE you, Dave!! You will be in my PRAYERS!! May God remember you in his KINGDOM!!

Peace Be With You

Fibo said...

Nice Blog :)